Oatmeal Soap for Skin | Oatmeal Soap Properties and Benefits

Oatmeal Soap

Oatmeal is not just for meatloaf and breakfast anymore! Oatmeal has other purposes. From skin care to keep your heart healthy, Oatmeal does this and much more. But what is oatmeal? Most people believe it is simply oats. It sort of is, but it also isn’t. My intention here is to show you the perfect purpose of oatmeal soap. Before I share an oatmeal soap recipe, I’d like to break it down a little and define oatmeal and the positive ways it can help with your skincare regime.

oatmeal soap

Oatmeal is a grain that most countries consume in vast amounts throughout the year. It can be ground, rolled, or crushed for many purposes. The oatmeal, that you most commonly buy in a grocery store for human consumption would be in roll form or crushed form. Because of its nutritional value, low cost, and accessibility, it has become a popular breakfast choice among people.

Nutrients in Oatmeal

Want an excellent source of fiber full of omega-3 fatty acids, thiamine, iron, beta-glucan, and the antioxidants known as avenanthramides? Then you eat oats. Oatmeal also helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels and may boost the immune system. As far as skincare is concerned, oatmeal is a strong contender against any store-bought soap product.

Oats in skincare

Oats are used in many cosmetically made products due to their many benefits, particularly their benefits for skincare. It enriches the skin and is used as a neutralizer to treat itchy or dry skin. Using oatmeal in the production of homemade soaps would be a great choice, with all the natural healing properties it has, not to mention the lovely smell the oats bring to the soap. Oatmeal and honey are a common combination that is commonly used for cosmetic products and get a lot of sales as it seems to be popular.

Oatmeal Soap benefits

Oatmeal is famous in soaps because it has both exfoliating and moisturizing properties. Much soap has added exfoliant properties. The scrubbing action in the cleanser removes dead skin cells and reveals a healthy layer of skin in its wake. Scrubbing soaps are also great for removing blackheads and other impurities. Oatmeal is the ingredient that gives this soap its scrubbing action. Moisturizing soaps is essential for people with dry or sensitive skin. Oatmeal soap, in particular, is better for some people to use because the soap is not as irritating or causes dry skin.

Even store-bought natural soaps may have ingredients listed that you are not sure about. Below, we are going to discuss how to make oatmeal soap. There are a variety of recipes available, but this homemade oatmeal soap recipe appears to be simple and can be made by the whole family.

Oatmeal in soap has several purposes. The oil in oatmeal nourishes dry skin, and colloidal oatmeal is recommended as a home remedy for itchiness from skin irritations. Colloidal oatmeal is finely ground oatmeal. It is not essential to buy costly packets of the powder, just grind organic rolled oats in a coffee grinder or blender to make homemade organic colloidal oatmeal. Oatmeal, when not finely ground, acts as a mild exfoliant. To benefit from the gentle abrasiveness of oatmeal, do not grind it much. If you use rolled oats, grind them in a blender until they are a quarter or a fifth of their original size.

oatmeal soap benefits for skin

Before we begin, here are some safety tips that may be useful. These are excellent guidelines, but you don’t need to follow all of them unless you choose to make your own homemade natural oil-based soap. Don’t let this deter you, but you will need to prepare for the activity, with most at-home projects.

Now it is time to decide if you want to make your natural oil-based soap or buy it. Natural oil-based soaps are commonly called Castile soaps. Castile soap gets its name from the Castile region in Spain. Castile soap means soap made with olive oil, with no additional fats or oils. It has become common to call soap made with only vegetable oils castile soap. Next, decide whether you want to use your homemade oatmeal soap to relieve skin irritations or moisturize your skin. Grind the oatmeal for itch relief or leave it whole for exfoliating use.

The things you’ll need are

A food processor,
5 tbs. Oatmeal,
1 huge block of Castile soap,
A large microwave-safe mixing bowl,
1 tbs. Water,
A wooden spoon,
2 soap molds.
You can use cups or small bowls.


1. Grate 1 large block of Castile soap into a large mixing bowl.

2. Add a single tablespoon of water and microwave the soap for 1.3 minutes, or until the mixture is lukewarm and the soap has liquefied. Do not let the blend boil over the limits of the basin. Stop the microwave a few times to stir the blend, and do this as you check the progress. After melting the grated soap and water, set it aside and let it cool.

3. Add the oatmeal and stir gently and slowly into the soap with a spoon until the concoction gets to the consistency you want.

oatmeal exfoliating soap benefits

4. Do not pour the soap into molds until it is cool and thick enough that the oatmeal does not sink to the bottom of the pot. Be careful not to stir too much, or there will be an excess of suds. When the oatmeal is mixed evenly with the soap, pour it into molds and give it time to cool.

There you have it, your natural oatmeal soap, fun and easy to prepare, organic, earth-friendly, and very useful. The uses for oatmeal soap are endless, even if you prefer to use it daily as your normal soap. You will benefit from the moisturizing nutrients and enjoy the effects of smooth skin. It is a simple remedy, but we should take all caution during the preparation.

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