Natural Additives for Soap Making – Benefits of Different Soap Additives

Additives for Soap Making

You can improve the health benefits and uses of your homemade soaps by adding natural ingredients to them. Some of the most common additives you can use to enhance the quality of the soap are:

Coconut Milk

additives for soap making

Coconut milk also feels great on your skin when you use it in soap. When added to your soap, it produces a bubbly, moisturizing lather. When using coconut milk, make sure not to confuse it with coconut cream, and never choose the “low fat” or “light” option. We want as much fat as possible.


herbs and flowers in soap making

That’s where you can get creative. Just make certain that whatever you put into your soap is safely used on the skin. Chamomile, lavender, rosemary, and roses are some flowers that can be used in your soap. Spices like cinnamon and cloves can also be
used. Depending on the herbs or flowers you use, your soap can be colored, exfoliated, or have other properties.


You may use coffee in your soap for the color. Because the scent may not last through the soap-making process. Brew your coffee with distilled water if you use it in your soap.


As an exfoliating agent, many people use bran or oatmeal in their soap. You can suspend these in the soap to provide it with a pleasant appearance.


Honey is commonly used for its scent and softening properties. You must add honey in small amounts since it can quickly raise the temperature of the soap. Start with one tablespoon of honey for each pound of oils used.

Goat’s Milk

goat milk in soap additives

Goat’s milk is frequently used in soap making because it’s soft on the skin and doesn’t dry. It’s good for sensitive skin.


We can use tea or coffee made with distilled water in soap. Tea can add colors to your soap, whereas tea leaves may add a little texture. The smell of the tea may not be retained by the finished soap, but the tea may provide some skin benefits.


Glitter looks outstanding in transparent soap. Just make sure that your glittery bar isn’t used as a facial soap. If giving it as a gift, you might add this ingredient. It may look cool, but some people don’t enjoy putting glitter all over their bodies. When adding glitter, when adding glitter, avoid adding it to a hot mixture. Since glitter is a plastic material, it might melt within the soap mixture. Add it at around 130F. Make sure to sprinkle it else it will clump.


We can use fruit and vegetable purees in soap making to add color, fragrance, or lather. When you become more comfortable with the soap-making process, experiment with different purees to see what combinations you can make.


fruits in soap making

Fruits can also be pureed and mixed into the soap. Bright berries can produce some deep and rich colors.


You can color your soap with vegetables. Vegetables such as avocados, cucumbers, carrots, and seaweed can be added by pureeing them.


When making soap, you can add scents from desserts and drinks like brown sugar, cappuccino, and chocolate as well as spices and nuts like cinnamon and gingerbread.


Adds texture and speckling, and antibacterial qualities. Use grated peel.


Glycerin will help to moisturize the skin.


beer in soap making

You will have a good lather on your soap if you use beer in your soap. If you use beer, make sure you remove the alcohol content by boiling it for 5 minutes. Let it chill until there is no more carbonation left in the liquid. Although the scent may be worrisome for some, it won’t last the product of your soap.

Wheat germ

Exfoliates skin adds bulk and texture. Shows up in soap as light speckling. Use only three tablespoons per pound of soap.

Lanolin Oil

Lanolin Oil is hardening the soap. It Moisturizes and softens the skin. Don’t use if allergic to wool.

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