Decorative Ideas for Homemade Soap

Decorative Ideas for Homemade Soap

Do you want to impress people at your party? Do you want to make your birthday celebration extra happy? There are recipes available for handmade decorative soaps, which are easy to make and great to use as decorations for your house.

Decorative Ideas for Homemade Soap

Items Needed:

1 and 1/2 lb Box – natural Glycerin soap found at most craft stores or online – We chose an avocado cucumber
• Plastic Soap Mold – Choose both square & circle shapes with a flower motif
• Food Coloring – Combine red & blue to make lavender
• Soap Fragrance – Choose a pear berry scent, but you can also mix a variety of different fragrances
• 1 Package of clear lollipop bags – We chose these because of the already built-in ribbon
• 1 Piece of decorative scrapbooking paper – 12 in X 12 in
• 1 Piece of plain white scrapbooking paper, 12 in X 12 in – We chose to make our gift tags, but you can also use label stickers instead of making your own
• Raffia Ribbon in a coordinating color – 1.5 to 2 yards, or 15 feet
• Crafts Scissors
• Hole Puncher
• Glass Measuring Cup – We used one with a handle for easy pouring.
• Wax Paper

How to make decorative soaps? First, determine the amount of glycerin soap. The time should depend on the amount of glycerin soap. For example, if you choose 2 small pieces of soap and use a medium-sized mold, heat it for about 10 seconds. Give 5 seconds intervals until the soap melts. If you don’t have any microwaves, you can use a double boiler instead.

Add the following:

• Food coloring of 1 and 1/2-3 drops per color
• Soap fragrance of 2-6 drops

When added, stir the mixture and pour it into the mold. Let it cool for 15-30 minutes. While cooling the soap, get wax paper and put it in your workspace. Use your thumbs, and apply pressure to release the thumb from the mold.

Before transferring the soaps to the clear bags, allow at least 1-2 days for them to cure. You can design and add some finishing touches. Some suggestions include cutting decorative paper into strips and using them to wrap around the center of the soap. Use a ribbon of the same size as the strip so you can tie it and design it as a bow. You can use gift tags, labels, and stickers to add design.

You can also use raffia ribbon on your strip to make it into a perfect bow. You can use one hand to hold it in place while the other hand, does the work to warp the decorative paper strip and secure its ends. Add a gift tag to your bow.

decorative ideas for homemade soap

Put the decorative soap into the clear lollipop bags and tie them with a bow. Thus, you now have an impressive item to give as a party favor or a gift to your friends. Maybe it will be small decorative soaps or big ones. For sure, people will like it. Well, that’s all for how to make decorative soaps. You can sell decorative soaps for extra income!

Decorative Ideas for Homemade Hand Decorative Soap

Decorative soaps are one of the usual gifts found on special occasions. It’s also the gift of home soap makers. It’s not that common because making soaps takes a lot of time and effort, so if you make your own, you can be considered a thoughtful and sweet person because they know you made it with a lot of effort. But, remember, the packaging is also vital in gift-giving. So make sure that you pack it well.

We can package handmade soaps according to our creativity and personality. You can use the following ideas to have a decorative soap of your own:

Mold into creative shapes

There are different molds with different shapes. You can even use the ones used in sand-castle making for interesting shapes. You can use fun shapes such as shells, cones, hearts, and more! Small decorative soaps can be cute to make!

soap design patterns

Make it more Interesting

Cleansing is soaps’ purpose, so why not add effects such as exfoliation purposes? You can add coffee granules or even rough coffee beans to the mixture. This will be appreciated, by the one you’ll give the decorative soap.


Decorate the soap according to your creative mind. Transparent soaps are the best ones to decorate. You can use a trinket or toy so that it can be seen in the middle, and people can collect it once used and melted down. Petals can also be used because it’s good for the eyes, and they can add a floral scent to your decorative soap.

soap design art

Use a rope

If you’re a student, and you’re in a condo or dorm, and you’re sharing it with other people, soaps on ropes are best to use because it is useful, and you have your decorative soap to be proud of.

Make it a unique package.

It is best to have the decorative soap in a unique package. You can use pretty and artistic containers. Small plastic jars, wooden boxes, or baskets, can be used as containers. For kids, you can use kiddy jars. Egg cartons are also an excellent design to use. Well, this is according to your preference and creativity. Ideas can be endless regarding the unique design of your package! You can even have decorative soaps for sale if you find them interesting.

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